I'm a little mean at times and I can be sweet, but honestly I don't like making myself sick. I take full responsibility for anything and everything I do. Anything that happens to me, I usually bring on myself. Life don't come with an instruction manual, if it did we would all be perfect. I made my share of mistakes, not all of them were bad, but alot of them wasn't good either. I've done some bad stuff to alot of people, but most of them had it coming.
I don't have any kids and I don't want any, but if it ever comes a time when I have a baby or I have to take care of somebody else's kids, then I'll do it and never regret it. I'm not married, marriage to me is like death except you get tortured before you die. I don't have a problem with relationships, but I'm not going to put up with any bullshit. The bullshit, in other words is the doping and drinking all the time, whoring around, trying to be a player, and trying to give me orders. That don't work with me, it never has and it never will. Paybacks are hell and eventually everybody gets what they deserve. For the one person who took my dad's and his friend's life............your's is coming!!!